Facebook Promotion Tips for Animal Rescue Groups and Shelters
Where Are You??? Our
goal was not to make this a course focused on our "pet peeves", but
we do like to share our findings and frustrations... after all, we approach
all new Facebook pages just like any new fan would.
Take for instance, our Animal
Rescue Directory.
We are always on the lookout
for new groups to add. Our directory is a state-by-state listing of all
Rescue Groups and Shelters.
In other words... if there is a
Rescue or Shelter in the USA, we want them in our
directory. To make things even easier, we like to include the city or county
name in the listing... again, to help people find resources near them.
We are truly amazed at the
number of groups that make it difficult to find out WHERE they are located.
We understand that many groups do not have a physical location... but we are
not talking about addresses. We run across pages all the time where there is
no indication of which state they operate in, or if the state is known... no
indication of which city or area they are in.
Here is our process.
First... if we
stumble upon a page on Facebook, representing a Rescue or Shelter... we check
to see if that group has been added to our directory.
Most groups list the city and
state they operate out of... many do not.
If the group happens to have a
name that indicates the state, it is obvious.
If not, we click on the
Facebook "about" or "info" tab to research further.
Often, there is absolutely NO info indicating "where" the group
operates out of.
If we are lucky, there is a
link to a website... but even that is no guarantee of info.
Clicking through to websites
often yields plenty of info about the rescue, but still no indication of
where they are located. We look for an "About Us" page... a
"What We Do" page... anything that may indicate where the group is
We will click on the
"Contact Us" page, to see if maybe a there is a mailing address,
but often, there is simply an online form to submit questions.
Heck, we will even download
adoption and foster applications, in hopes there is an address listed on
there (i.e. where to mail the form)... but often, these are simply online,
electronic forms with no address on them.
When I say that we have to do
this for many groups... I am not kidding.
We go through all this work
because we are on a "Mission" to add this group to our directory,
and will not stop until we have figured out where this group is.
But WHY should it be so
What about the casual web or
Facebook surfer that stumbles upon your page?
Don't ASSUME they know who you
are, where you are located, what you do... etc...
If you have more Adopters and
more Fosters than you know what to do with... fine... maybe being a
"stealth rescue" is the way to go.
On the other hand, if you want
more adopters and more fosters and more supporters... at minimum, you should
let them know WHERE you operate.
Also... even if you conduct
operations throughout your entire state, you should still give a general
location, if possible. Especially if you live in a large state.
Again... look at this from the
perspective of someone finding your page for the very first time. There may
be people from "your own backyard" coming across your page that
have never heard of your group. If they find out you are close to them, they
may want to "Like" your page, get involved, volunteer, foster a
pet, etc...
If they have no clue of your
location... they will probably just pass on by.
I am truly amazed when I see
posts on a group's Facebook page, from a fan, saying "Where are you
located"... then come back a few weeks later and there is STILL no
location info added to the page.
The question... by one of your
fans... was a big hint that maybe the info on your Facebook page and/or
Website, was lacking.
For every 1 fan that asks that
question... there are dozens more that don't...
and just move on.
Lastly... I do understand that
there are regional rescues that cover a large area and operate with a network
of foster homes. That is fine, and we often list these groups under several
states. But even with these groups, there are good and bad ways to provide
information to your "brand new" or "soon to be" fans.
Seeing things like this on an
"Info" page:
Buddies rescues and adopts out Beagles in Eastern Oregon, Idaho, and Montana
through a network of foster homes. If you live in these areas and would like
to learn more about adopting a pet, becoming a foster, or simply helping out
in one way or another... please drop us a line. We'd love to have you as part
of our "family".
Is awesome...
Making your visitors guess, or
assume, or "hunt for" info... is not.
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